'Crepe' in French mean pancake and are often used for both breakfast and dessert. For example in the evenings you can serve them with Nutella and Strawberries for dessert after dinner or in the mornings as a savory low carb breakfast option with egg and vegetables. Try it for yourself using this recipe below. ENJOY


1/2 Cup of Water
1/2 Cup of Milk
1 Cup of all Purpose Flour
1 TSP of Vanilla Extract
2 TSP of Sugar
2 Eggs

Suggested Fillings:

Savory -
Egg (cooked separately)
Smoke Salmon
Red Onion
Cream Cheese

Sweet -
Peanut Butter
Berries or Banana


Add water, milk, flour, sugar and vanilla extract to a blender. In a small separate bowl crack the eggs and make sure there are no shells before adding it also to the blender.

Blend on low until nicely mixed together.

Heat a skillet on low-medium heat and add in butter. Once ready add blended batter to the skillet and move around so that it spreads out evenly.

The crepe will start to cook immediately. After about a minute when the bottom side is golden flip the crepe - use a spatula to aid you.

Once flipped add your contents to the crepe. Once crepe is finished cooking on the side facing down fold the crepe over itself, capturing the contents inside. Serve Hot.


I hope you enjoyed this recipe as much as I do. If you have any comments please leave them below and I'll be happy to answer them as soon as I can! Happy cooking!!!